'Bristol Fashion' MPC Circuits

If you are looking for the old 'Bristol Format' circuits please see here. We call this new format 'Bristol Fashion' as it is related to the old format, which was called 'Bristol Format' by some others (as they were originally hosted in Bristol). The new format is tidier than the old format, which also is a justification for the new name of Bristol Fashion.

Our new format is utilized in the SCALE-MAMBA software system to define the circuits for garbling. The new format is designed to be independent of the number of parties, and to capture more the nature of the function we are evaluating.

The `basic' format is defined by a list of gates. Each gate has one or two input wires (INV/NOT/EQ/EQW gates have only one input wire, XOR and AND have two input wires). A gate can have only one output wire. The `extended' format allows addition MAND gates, standing for Multiple AND, these have an arbitrary number of inputs and outputs (see below for details). Each file is of the following format:

  1. The wire numbering is ordered so that the first i_0 wires correspond to the first input value, the next i_1 wires correspond to the second input value and so on.
  2. With the last (o_0+...+o_{n-1}) wires corresponding to the outputs of the function, where n=no_1+...+no_nov
Currently we only have a few circuits available, more will be added as time goes by. The depth below gives the number of AND/MAND gates in the extended format file. This corresponds to the AND-depth of the circuit. The number of AND gates corresponds to the number of {\em individual} ANDs, i.e. the number of ANDs in the basic format file.

Arithmetic Functions

Function Basic Circuit File Extended Circuit File No. ANDs No. XORs No. INVs Depth
64-bit Adder adder64.txt adder64.txt 63 313 0 63
64-bit Subtract sub64.txt sub64.txt 63 313 63 63
64-bit Negation neg64.txt neg64.txt 62 63 64 62
64x64 -> 64 bit Multiplier mult64.txt mult64.txt 4033 9642 0 63
64x64 -> 128 bit Multiplier mult2_64.txt mult2_64.txt 8128 19904 0 127
64x64-bit Division (Signed) divide64.txt divide64.txt 4664 24817 445 4158
64x64-bit Division (Unsigned) udivide64.txt udivide64.txt 4285 12603 64 2205
64-bit Equal to Zero Test zero_equal.txt zero_equal.txt 63 0 64 6

Cryptographic Functions

Function Basic Circuit File Extended Circuit File No. ANDs No. XORs No. INVs Depth
AES-128(k,m) aes_128.txt aes_128.txt 6400 28176 2087 60
AES-192(k,m) aes_192.txt aes_192.txt 7168 32080 2317 72
AES-256(k,m) aes_256.txt aes_256.txt 8832 39008 2826 84
Keccak-f Keccak_f.txt Keccak_f.txt 38400 115200 38486 24
SHA-256 sha256.txt sha256.txt 22573 110644 1856 1607
SHA-512 sha512.txt sha512.txt 57947 286724 4946 3303
Note for AES-128 the wire orders are in the reverse order as used in the examples given in our earlier `Bristol Format', thus bit 0 becomes bit 127 etc, for key, plaintext and message.

For AES we created a design using the Boyar-Peralta S-Boxes, which have 32 AND gates per S-Box.

For SHA-256 and SHA-512 we give a circuit which maps an input buffer and an input chaining state to the next chaining state.

To get the nice gate counts for SHA-256 and SHA-512 we thank Steven Goldfeder who provided advice and help from his work in the paper:

In particular he pointed out the 'correct' method for addition circuits which means an n-bit adder only uses n-1 AND gates. Whilst this addition method was well known to us turned out our VHDL synthesis tools would spot we were doing an adder and then substitute in the usual circuit used in real hardware (which uses more AND gates). Fixing this required some VHDL trickery from Danilo. Finally, the same trick was then factored into the improved 64-bit arithmetic circuits above.

The circuit for udivide64 was provided by Steve Lu, who generated it using the EMP-Toolkit.

IEEE Floating Point Operations

We also provide some circuits for IEEE floating point operations. These operations deal with the IEEE rounding and NaN etc correctly. An 64-bit IEEE double is represented in the following format; in particular
  1. Bit 63 is the sign bit
  2. Bits 52-62 are the exponent, with 62 being the msb.
  3. Bits 0-51 are the mantissa, with 51 being the msb.
Function Basic Circuit File Extended Circuit File No. ANDs No. XORs No. INVs Depth
add FP-add.txt FP-add.txt 5385 8190 2062 235
mul FP-mul.txt FP-mul.txt 19626 21947 3326 129
div FP-div.txt FP-div.txt 82269 84151 17587 3619
eq FP-eq.txt FP-eq.txt 315 65 837 9
lt FP-lt.txt FP-lt.txt 381 257 898 67
f2i FP-f2i.txt FP-f2i.txt 1467 1625 840 94
i2f FP-i2f.txt FP-i2f.txt 2416 3605 1115 206
sqrt FP-sqrt.txt FP-sqrt.txt 91504 100120 19900 6507
floor FP-floor.txt FP-floor.txt 651 595 367 71
ceil FP-ceil.txt FP-ceil.txt 650 597 371 71
Note the function f2i implements the `round nearest-even' convention which is equivalent to the C++ code
  double xx=....;
  unsigned long zz;
  zz=(long) nearbyint(xx);
With i2f doing the inverse operation, i.e. converting a 64-bit integer into a double.
Most of the circuits were mostly created using Synposis tools from VHDL source. The VHDL can be found in the release of SCALE-MAMBA if you are interested. The current circuits above were produced from the VHDL in SCALE-MAMBA version 1.7. After the associated NetList was produced we post-processed them into the format described above, for use within the SCALE-MAMBA engine.

The floating point circuits were created by using the Berkeley SoftFloat library (version 2), then the output was passed through CBMC-GC to produce Bristol Format files with no OR's. We then manually edited the result to produce Bristol Fashion files.

David Archer
Victor Arribas Abril
Steve Lu
Pieter Maene
Nele Mertens
Danilo Sijacic
Nigel Smart