FHE-MPC Advanced Grad Course

I (and eventually hopefully others) will be giving an `informal grad course' in Fully Homomorphic Encryption and Multi-Party Computation this term (and maybe beyond). This is primarily for the benefit of the new PhD students starting in this area, but anyone is welcome. As its aimed at new PhD students we will start at the very beginning.

We aim to meet on Mondays at 14.00 in the CAT room starting on October 10th. Sessions will sometimes be one hour and sometimes two hours. Initially only one hour to get things moving (as apparently I am giving the first Crypto lecture on the 10th).

My aim is to run this on the US model with scribes etc providing notes each week for public consumption; but maybe that will need to stop if we get ahead of the publicly available information on the topic.

My draft plan is to cover the following topics in order (to start with). No idea how long the following will take.

Part 1: FHE Basics

Part 2: MPC Basics Anyway feel free to come along if you are vaguely interested.

Scribe Notes

The idea behind scribe notes is one audience member writes up the lecture each week for the benefit of the others. They should not only take the details from the lecture, but also from other reading etc. For a good example of this practice see here or here.

You should use the following LaTeX template to base your notes on. Once completed send me the final tex file and pdf and I will put them below.